
Wunderlsit bald für Android?

So ich habe ja schon berichtet das es bald soweit ist!
Naja es sollte eigentlich den Monat noch kommen.
Aber so wie das ganze nun ausschaut?
Wird es wohl noch einige zeit Dauern. Und der März dan wahrscheinlicher ist.

Hier mal ein kurzer Auszug aus dem Blog von Wunderlist!
"Everyone wants to know when Wunderlist will be making its way onto other platforms. If the release date for Wunderlist HD taught us anything, it was that release dates are PR suicide. When we need more time, it forces us to choose between pushing out products that are buggy or poor in features (which we refuse to do), or we have to make some of you unhappy by extending a deadline (which we hate to do). The reality is that with the constant ebb and flow of ideas from our developers and users, we sometimes get an idea that’s worth pushing back a release date to include it. That said, some of you are bound to ask, so we offer you this purposefully unspecific release schedule in response:
- Android (soon)
- Web App (soon after Android)
- Desktop Update (soon after the Web App)
There are those who might think being intentionally vague about a product release schedule is downright evil and self-serving. It is. But it gives us the freedom to exceed your expectations, so maybe it’s not so evil after all. Either way, we’re back to work. Keep the ideas coming and the expectations high, and we’ll do the same. "

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